Sage Francis - The Time of My Life Lyrics
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Sage Francis Singer Lyrics
The Time of My Life Song Lyrics
Sage Francis
Still Sick... (0)
Song Title:
The Time of My Life
Rap: Hip-Hop
Print Version
Consider me to be a fly on the wall with a bird's eye view
I stare, as my birthtime drew near
The only Earth I knew reared me in a world I grew to fear
I do appear quite nude and warm
I'm like "What's up with the lights and the white uniforms?"
You're damn right you're truly wrong when a hand strikes the newly born.
"I can't fight" I'm cruely scorned.In a man's life, the beauty's gone
I was scared with fright through the storm
I'm prepared to write a mutiny song
"It's a miracle Ma!" Damn my dick is long
Oh, that's just the umbellical chord
Clip clip, snip snip.and now it's gone along with my foreskin
One of them awful things that they do to theoffspring
The sting is lessened by the drugs they pump into my miniature body
Making us addicts just that quick is their signature hobby
An infamous robbery, and if I'm not careful then my shaft'll break
It's got me coming up with creative ways to masturbate
I wanna be held but my father rebelled and my mother's unconscious
I went from a dark bliss to some boxes
It's obnoxious the way the doctors poke and prod
seriously I can barely function
This is my first out-of-body experience and alien abduction
I'm barely a munchkin after just minutes of labor
They're putting my tiny footprints on some birth certificate paper
My personal hell of isolation began in an incubator
To think of it later, slice open my wrist and check the microchip data
They didn't capture it on beta film or audio
The year made me a dragon, the month made me a scorpio
The weak, feeble, helpless baby boy cried for nights
But that day was the time of my life
But that day was the time of my life
But that day, but that day was the
The Time of My Life Lyrics
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Other Sage Francis song Lyrics
Sea Lion
"The force of my love was strong.The sea lion lay down long.Song in the air.Why should singer care?When singer can be among song.
Ma, Ma--look what i did, Ma.Look what i did to my hands, I broke 'em.
You gave me the stone, gave me the chisel, didn't say how to hold 'em.
Didn't say to give away every piece of the puzzle 'til i was left with nothin'...."
Gunz Yo
"i'm on fire, i'm on fire
me too, me too
guns yo, i keep one in my pillowcase
it keeps me safe when i sleep, still i keep awake..."
Escape Artist
"When I first got in to magic, yeah.
When I first got into magic, it was an underground phenomenon
Now everybody's like pick a card, any card
If I shot my full load with the first hand I played..."
Product Placement
"It's a tangible death and I can almost handle it.
When it cancels my breath hold your hand over my candle then rest.
There's no pain in this fist's release.
I put my elbows on the window frame, glass pressed against my cheeks...."
Dance Monkey
i got two left hooves, two on test.
well, since nobody's steppin' to me
take me to the man in the mirror..."
Agony In Her Body
"Day one, I played with her blood
Day two, left her face bruised and we called it making love
Day three, her blood played with me
Dirty talk caught me off guard..."
"They'VE said it every year but this times it seems like
The end is near and i'm in line to see the light
How far does this black tunnel go
I got a car but the gas is running low..."
"Maze broken
She?s runnin?
Feet swollen
He?s commin?..."
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Sage Francis Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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