Sahara Hotnights - Nerves Lyrics

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Artist: Sahara Hotnights
Song Title: Nerves
Visits: 556
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Hey sir didn't catch your name
Being undercover doesn't work today
Hey sir won't you please explain
Your passion about nothing that guides your way
Why don't we get on it
Too slow to even understand
Why don't we get on it
Too paralysed to even take a stand

Stand up you may not be excused
You never try so you never lose
Speak up all your clever ideas
Just stick to yourself and you never get used

I'll stay on your nerves
Will you ever let go
(oh no)

Hey miss there's no guarantee
Show me you got another trick up your sleeve
Hey miss you start to sound like me
Think you're alone being well deceived
Why don't we get on it
Too slow to even understand
Why don't we get on it
Too paralysed to even take a stand

I really cared when you were on about
all those worries coming back at night
I tried listening to the same old doubts
It's not the end if the choice ain't right

One more time don't wanna hear
you're busy when I try to bring you back to life
One more time don't say
you're scared to go outside you might get humanized
Don't go don't go get humanized

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Other Sahara Hotnights song Lyrics
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    You've been out all night
    You've seen it getting lighter
    You're a perfect mess..."
  • Alright Alright (Heres My Fist Wheres The Fight)
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    Now I'm gonna let it show
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    But I won't stay low..."
  • Alright Alright
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    Go on start a civil war
    Here's my fist, where's the fight?
    Your world is collapsing tonight..."
  • Are You Happy Now?
    "Work harder, everything's on the line
    Our name and our honor
    Show us you've got a spine
    Why won't you help us to get by?..."
  • Down and Out
    "Standing at a corner
    You only make it worse 'cos you never try
    Why don't you show me?
    You'd better move it..."
  • Downhill Race
    "Hey you little wreck over there
    Have I got news for you
    The walls up in my room are pretty cold
    Oh can you feel it..."
  • Drive Dead Slow
    "he was the satisfied employee lots of so hard work and no salary
    the quickly thrown out Christmas tree
    what about all the loving and the sympathy
    you're just a disappointed little birthday child..."
  • Empty Heart
    "It's not the fall of your empire the end of your world
    I say it will pass you say this time it's never ending
    You say it's elusive it's out of your reach
    I say the solution might be closer than it seems..."

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