Saint Etienne - Departure Lounge Lyrics

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Artist: Saint Etienne
Saint Etienne Author
Album: Valentines Day 97 (1997)
Saint Etienne - Valentines Day 97 Album
Song Title: Departure Lounge
Genre: Dance: Pop
Visits: 676
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I know you, / you know me, /

We dont need anything at all, / anyway. /

The club lounge, / the right sounds, /

But we were heading for a fall, / just slipped away, /

So tell me, /

How did we get this far, / how did we get this far, /

How did we get this far, / anyway? /

So tell me, /

How did we get this far, / how did we get this far, /

How did we get this far, / far away? /

In deep space, / a big place /

Where we were hiding from it all, / yesterday. /

Up mountains, / a snow-ride, /

I dont feel anything at all, / anyway, /

And tell me, /

How did we get this far, / how did we get this far, /

How did we get this far, / anyway? /

And tell me, /

How did we get this far, / how did we get this far, /

How did we get this far, / far away? /

So far away, / so far away. /

And tell me, /

How did we get this far, / how did we get this far, /

How did we get this far, / anyway? /

And tell me, /

How did we get this far, / how did we get this far, /

How did we get this far, / far away? /

So tell me, /

How did we get this far, (how did we get this far? ) /

How did we get this far, (how did we get this far? ) /

How did we get this far, / anyway? /

And baby, /

How did we get this far, (how did we get this far? ) /

How did we get this far, (how did we get this far? ) /

How did we get this far, / far away? /

So far away, / far away. /

So far away, / far away. /

So far away, / far away. /

So far away, / far away.

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Valentines Day 97" album, click "Saint Etienne Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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