Sainte Marie Buffy - Universal Soldier Lyrics

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Artist: Sainte Marie Buffy
Song Title: Universal Soldier
Visits: 608
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He?s 5 foot 2 and he?s 6 feet 4
And he fights with missiles and with spears
He?s all of 31 and he?s only 17.
And he?s been a soldier for a thousand years

He?s a catholic, a Hindu, an atheist, a Jane
A boarders, a Baptist and Jew.
And he knows he shouldn?t ?ve killed
And he knows he always will kill
You?ll for me my freidn and me for you

He?s fighting for Canada.
He?s fighting for France.
He?s fighting for the USA.
And he?s fighting for the Russians.
And he?s fighting for Japan
And he thinks we?ll brought an end to war this way.

He?s fighting for democracy,
he?s fighting for the reds
He says it?s for the peace of all.
He?s the one, who must decide,
who?s to live and who?s to die.
And he never sees the writing on the walls.

But without him,
how would Hitler have condemned him at Dachau?
Without him Caesar would have stood alone
He?s the one who gives is body
as a weapon to the war.
And without him all this killing can?t go on

He?s the universal soldier
And he really is the blame
But his orders comes from
far away no more.

They come from him.
And you and me.
Oh, brothers can?t you see.
This is not the way we put an end to war

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    I know that he's real..."
  • Bad End
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    so he picks up the phone and he asks advice from the
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  • Cripple Creek
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    Goin up to see her about 2 times a week
    Kiss her on the mouth, sweet as any wine
    Wrap herself around me like a sweet potato vine..."
  • Dance Me Around
    "And when I think about all I missed
    All those kisses that you gave to someone else
    I wish I'd been around
    But I was up there in the air..."
  • Darling Dont Cry
    "I met him on the powwow trail
    He was singing and I was a dancer
    To the Heartbeat Drum
    Heartbeat Drum - heyo heya..."
  • Disinformation
    "Coincidence and likely stories
    they dog your trail like a pack of lies
    They whine at night when the lights are out
    You toss and turn..."

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