Salt N Pepa - Aint Nuthin But A She Thing Lyrics

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Artist: Salt N Pepa
Song Title: Aint Nuthin But A She Thing
Visits: 587
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It ain't nuthin but a she thing, yeah

It ain't a man's world
You go, girl! No more sugar and spice
It ain't a man's world, no more sugar and spice

1-It's a she thing and it's all in me
I can be anything that I wanna be
Don't consider me a minority
Open up your eyes and maybe you'll see
It's a she thing and it's all in me
I can be anything that I want to be
Don't consider me a minority
Ladies help me out if you agree

2-It ain't nuthin' but a she thing
(say it proud)
(say it loud)
(on the rise)
(better recognize)

Now I can bring home the bacon and fry it in the pan
Never let you forget that you're a man
Cuz I'm a W-O-M-A-N
That's what I am doin' all I can
The thing that makes me mad, and crazy, upset
I gotta break my neck just to get my respect
Go to work and get paid less than a man
When I'm doin' the same damn thing that he can
When I'm aggressive then I'm a bitch
When I got attitude you call me a witch
Treat me like a sex object that ain't smooth
Underestimate the mind Oh yeah, you a fool
Weaker sex? Yeah, right! That's a joke
Have you ever been in labor? I don't think so, nope
I'm a genuine feminine female thing
Can ya hang? Ain't nuthin but a she thing
(rpt 1, 2)

On the reel I'm a female doing what I feel
Put me to the test yes I will get ill
Sensitive and sweet deal and all that good stuff
When it's time to get rough baby I'm rough enough
Ain't afraid to show how I feel down deep
Compassionate but don't underestimate me
I'm intelligent, wise, complicated being
With the instinct to dream and believe in the dream
Family's first before anybody else
Take care of them before I take care of self
I'm a genuine feminine female, thank you
Ya hang, ain't nuthin' but a she thing
(rpt 2)

You got to understand it's a she thing
We got the power yeah and you know the deal
So you go girl, it ain't no man's world
You can do anything do what you feel

Excuse me, hold up, pep got the floor
Give your props to the strong
Women layin' down the law
Taking control of the rules in their life
Standing up pretending all the wrongs to the right
I like to give a shout out to the mammas out there
Bringing up the babies with the tender loving care
You're in charge of the future of the nation
Do the right thing, lay the foundation
To all the single mothers Salt-N-Pepa said
Keep your head up
I know it gets hard sometimes but never let up
You're a genuine feminine female thing
Can ya hang? Ain't nothing but a she thing
(rpt 1, 2)

Now let me break it down to the marrow of the bone
I'm a female and I got it goin' on
Don't be fooled by my s-e-x
It ain't that simple, I'm more complex
We've come a long way and baby that's a fact
Let's keep moving forward, girls never look back
Fight for your rights stand up and be heard
You're just as good as any man believe that, word!
(rpt 1

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  • Expression
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  • Doper Than Dope
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  • Negro Wit An Ego
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  • You Showed Me
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    You showed me many of things plenty of hard times
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  • Do You Want Me
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    Never tried to hurt you
    Some say I'm old fashioned
    I like to take my time and do it slow..."
  • Swift
    "The duo is back competition check out the new style
    Then get the heck out
    Put on your battlin' gear but don't come strapped
    Bullets are not needed this time it's rap for rap..."
  • I Like to Party
    "Let's kick it like this ah yeah
    We gotta kick it like this ah yeah
    We need to kick it like this ah yeah
    We gonna kick it like this ah yeah..."

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