Salt N Pepa - Doper Than Dope Lyrics

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Album: Blacks' Magic (1990)
Salt N Pepa - Blacks
Artist: Salt N Pepa
Song Title: Doper Than Dope
Visits: 890
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Ah to the beat y'all
Yes yes y'all
Salt and Pepa's here with a brand new call
People are saying "No it just can't be them"
But yes it's Salt and Pepa on the mic again

Here to let you know how the rhymes just go
When it's time to pick up the microphone
And let the voice flow
So yo Steevee O let the beat go
Whether it's fast or slow or medium tempo
No one can ever flow smooth as this
Whether he's a Mister or she's a Miss
So come one, come all, ya gotta bust a sound
Or rather the rhyme will just gather around
To see the doper than dope ones, fulfill the circumference
Go out and buy an amp so that you can pump this

It's startin' to irk me, yo, Salt, what irks you?
Other MCs couldn't fill up a circle with fans
While we were on vacation you couldn't complete your end
Salt and Pepa now we're back and again featuring
Spinderella, she's not a fella but a pro
And on the wheels of steel good to go
Cuttin' up a storm sometimes it's frightning
First comes the rain then strike the lightning
Doper than dope, can anyone cope?
Yes, a-maybe, ahh - nope, so why do you persist and try?
Look me right in the eye and tell me are you that fly?
That you can pick up the microphone
We stake the mic alone
Hope that you never run into Salt and Pepa
Cuz we're doper than dope

Yo, it's been a long time, but now we're back
Salt and Pepa's gettin' funky on a brand new track
And more up-to-par, swift like a car
Stickin' to your mouth like rooftop tar
Leaving a scar on those who spar
So pass the cigar, get a drink from the bar
Lyrics gonna flood your mind like the reservoir
Here they are, come and join the Salt and Pepa seminar
The rhymes are refined, some call them bizarre
But they can catch your ears like a bass guitar
And speakin' of base, why did ya in the first place?
Walkin' around town till I see you face to face
You didn't wanna speak so I rested my case
And now you're feelin' kinda fragile like an antique vase
But don't worry friends or even give up hope
Cuz this time we're hyper than hype on the mic
Call us doper than dope

Spinderella, where ya at?
Give us a funky scratch
This is it, this is it
Gettin' doper than doper than dope can get
Uh, hit me
Two times

Three-two-one break down, ya broke up
Cuz you started speakin' when you shouldn't have spoke up
You went the wrong way, you shouldn't have tried
To dis Salt and Pepa cuz half-steppers gettin' fried
Cuz these females at five minutes a beat
Is all it takes for us to take control seven days a week
You're wack, stick to your skeezin' please
And let's not waste time on the weak MCs
Cuz they're unreal, and we're the real deal
Cuz we reveal the real sex appeal

Yo, fellas, you want some, come and get some
Doper than dope rhymes so I can hit some
Musical notes that can hypnotize
Keep your eyes on the lips, hips, and thighs
Try to concentrate on the whole scenery
Cuz this is Salt and the Pepa MC
Yo, here to rock right with the Idolmakers clan
There's Steevee-O, Hurby the Luv Bug and also
The Invincibles, Fat Doug, Dre, and Bougie
And much more so get your VCR and pick my Fuji tape
And rush for your house, don't move slow
Cuz you might miss the main Idols in the video
You guessed it, yes, it's no joke
Salt and Pepa's on the mic gettin' (what?)
Gettin' doper than doper than doper than dope

Enough (Why?), cuz this ain't your average stuff
And when it comes to rockin' rhymes Salt and Pepa don't bluff
We were the Showstoppers that took your men
We made you shake it then you push it, and we started a trend
But this trend is kinda different, it's not a gold rope
This time it's Salt and Pepa, Spinderella gettin' doper than dope

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Other Salt N Pepa song Lyrics
  • Get Up Everybody (Get Up)
    "Ok, y'all, this is it now bust it
    The mic will sing soon as I touch it
    Do this smooth and easy like
    So we might get hyped in here tonight..."
  • Expression
    "Oh yeah oh yeah
    You know life is all about expression
    You only live once and you're not coming back
    So express yourself yeah..."
  • Negro Wit An Ego
    "So? Don't tell me what I'm doin' is illegal
    No, I resort to violence only when provoked
    Contrary to rumors, I'm no joke
    If I sound hard it's because I'm pee-ed off..."
  • You Showed Me
    "You showed me what to do exactly what to do
    When I was in love with you
    You showed me many of things plenty of hard times
    Then I got up on it but the hard way..."
  • Do You Want Me
    "You said it loud and I heard you
    Never tried to hurt you
    Some say I'm old fashioned
    I like to take my time and do it slow..."
  • Swift
    "The duo is back competition check out the new style
    Then get the heck out
    Put on your battlin' gear but don't come strapped
    Bullets are not needed this time it's rap for rap..."
  • I Like to Party
    "Let's kick it like this ah yeah
    We gotta kick it like this ah yeah
    We need to kick it like this ah yeah
    We gonna kick it like this ah yeah..."
  • Blacks Magic
    "Yo Spin once again help me get this crowd on its feet
    So we can set it off
    I've got your back Salt you know I'm never soft
    Yo where's your records at?..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Blacks' Magic" album, click "Salt N Pepa Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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