Salt Veruca - The Morning Sad Lyrics

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Artist: Salt Veruca
Salt Veruca Author
Song Title: The Morning Sad
Visits: 561
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Wake up and talk to me
it's a long time since last night
I know we said things, the saddest things
and I'm not sure it was wise
when the morning's sad
you don't look back
and you sure don't look ahead
the morning sad
you know, the morning sad
the morning sad
never had it so bad
never had it so bad
I'm writing desperate songs
while you're fast asleep inside
I could try to sing
(I could try to bide my time to wake up)
until it rings
but my voice comes out uptight
when the morning's sad
you don't relax
you'll be ??? your mind
the morning sad
you know the morning sad
the morning sad
never had it so bad
never had it so bad
I tried a little
I tried a lot
I'm not a window
and you've seen through everything I've got
oh, I don't think that I'll be safe
until everyone's awake
everybody, everybody, everybody, yeah...
so wake up and talk to me
such a long time since last night
I know we said things, the maddest things
and I'm not sure who was right
when the morning's sad
you won't attack
cause you're much to weak to bite
the morning sad
you know the morning sad
the morning sad
never had it so bad
never had it so bad
never had it so bad
never had it so bad
never had it so bad
never had it so bad
never had it so bad
never had it so bad
never had it so bad
never had it so bad
yeah, yeah, yeah...
never had it so bad

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    You're so deadly that I can see your breath
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  • Forsythia
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    A yellow baby is a bad sign.
    But I don't mind, I don't mind,
    Ohhh, Forsythia...."
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    There was no time for calling, me when you fell.
    This is a time to take cover, in a wishing well.
    Summer was blowing all over me when you fell...."
  • Celebrate You
    "I wear my patent leather shoes,
    And my golden fleeces,
    A feather in my hair for you,
    And then I fall to pieces...."
  • Fly
    "Twice bitten, twice baked. Try me on a saturday, try me, try me.
    Fine fool for a holiday.
    Slow sun in a spanish way
    One heart for one week of may, why me? why me?..."

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