Sam Brown - Mindworks Lyrics

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Artist: Sam Brown
Sam Brown Author
Album: April Moon (1990)
Sam Brown - April Moon Album
Song Title: Mindworks
Genre: Pop
Visits: 722
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Philosofy gives itself freely to all of our minds
you have yours and I have mine
I'll do you a favour completely free of charge
and tell you you're wrong and I'm right

If you'd think it maybe you'd come round to seeing reason
think it over it's something that's out of your hands

Well I'm going right out of my head
it's just a matter of time
is there something that I could have said
that would make you change your mind
Or is it just the way your mind works

I wish I could conjure up something more pointed to say
but I'm just trying to tell you as a friend
think it over think it ove think it over again
you don't have to borrow in order to lend

If you'd think it maybe you'd come round to seeing reason
think it over it's something that's out of your hands

Well I'm going right out of my head
it's just a matter of time
is there something that I could have said
that would make you change your mind
Or is it just the way your mind works

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Other Sam Brown song Lyrics
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    don't even think about it
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  • April Moon
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    to close your mind would be a crime - just hold on - hold on..."
  • Kissing Gate
    "Meet me at the kissing gate
    I know that's where you want to be
    meet me at that lonely place
    won't you just do this for me..."
  • Contradictions
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    which way the wind is gonna blow..."
  • Once In Your Life
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    I feel so alone though you're still here
    how long can I live on in your world of dreams
    my love is so strong I feel in my bones..."
  • Hypnotised
    "So here's another story, a tale of love, a tale
    of hate. You talk of hope and glory but I
    don't know if I can wait here all alone
    will you ever know..."
  • As One
    "There's a child
    in my heart
    feel it heat
    hear it speak..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "April Moon" album, click "Sam Brown Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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