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I Song Lyrics
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Other Samael song Lyrics | Black Trip "I've chosen the dark, I've chosen the night I've lost hope of loving a day of life The shades of night belong to me I am at one with hell..." | Celebration Of The Fourth "Oh purificator fire, that burns in me Rekindle my courage, give me your force Blow, northerly wind, come, wind of death Storms, hurricanes, be at my side..." | Son Of Earth "Hideous louse! The face deformed by horror, By the fear of life's duties, By the anguish of the unknown..." | Till We Meet Again... "To those whom I miss, And to those who would miss me Life is short, but long in the living Going forth on the uncertain paths of the future..." | Mask Of The Red Death "Sickness born with life She is careful and patient shadow Man's faithful enemy Unceasingly transformed, rebaptized..." | Flagellation "Pleasure in pain Desire of mortification To achieve the extreme To know the ultimate..." | Crown "If eyes are the mirror of the soul You will find in mine the scorn and apathy You will read my hatred as in a curs'd book You will see yourself as I see you..." | To Our Martyrs "Through ages, through history through civilizations, through societies taking man as a house We've traveled a long long way to be here now..." | |
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Eternal" album, click "Samael Singer" and search album songs from the artist page. | |
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