Samael - Radiant Star Lyrics

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Artist: Samael
Samael Author
Album: Eternal (1999)
Samael - Eternal Album
Song Title: Radiant Star
Genre: Rock
Visits: 568
Print Version

Reversed time climb up the side of mystery
holding tight the key to nowhereland the long time promise
at the beginning
the origin
aren't we supposed to be bound
aren't we prepared to re-cloned
the universe we imagine
the memory we left behind
the time we drain the time we kill
what's the need for a better life tell me

from where you are radiant star
light the way of those who search of those who stay
from where you are radiant star
light the way of those who search of those who pray here

spend a day to wonder
have a night to remember
beyond the pain that each day gives
rising the joy that you perceive
through blurry thoughts you do conceive
a strong passion that won't deceive
the force you own needs no shelter
nowhere should be the place that you fear
nowhere should be the place that you fear

from where you are radiant star
light the way of those who search of those who stay
from where you are radiant star
light the way of those who search of those who pray here

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Other Samael song Lyrics
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    The shades of night belong to me
    I am at one with hell..."
  • Celebration Of The Fourth
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    Storms, hurricanes, be at my side..."
  • Son Of Earth
    "Hideous louse!
    The face deformed by horror,
    By the fear of life's duties,
    By the anguish of the unknown..."
  • Till We Meet Again...
    "To those whom I miss,
    And to those who would miss me
    Life is short, but long in the living
    Going forth on the uncertain paths of the future..."
  • Mask Of The Red Death
    "Sickness born with life
    She is careful and patient shadow
    Man's faithful enemy
    Unceasingly transformed, rebaptized..."
  • Flagellation
    "Pleasure in pain
    Desire of mortification
    To achieve the extreme
    To know the ultimate..."
  • Crown
    "If eyes are the mirror of the soul
    You will find in mine the scorn and apathy
    You will read my hatred as in a curs'd book
    You will see yourself as I see you..."
  • To Our Martyrs
    "Through ages, through history
    through civilizations, through societies
    taking man as a house
    We've traveled a long long way to be here now..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Eternal" album, click "Samael Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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