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How Long Song Lyrics
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Other Samiam song Lyrics | Full On "still want you with everything you've made me do you almost taste like hate and i can't stay away self destruction, no pain character reduction, slow fade..." | She Found You "what the hell have you got to look forward to i don't hear anybody knocking at your door your life has been a message in a bottle dumped in the ocean, never reaching any shore..." | Factory "Old steel factory casting shadows What it meant to me no one could know Kept him away from me and I was greatful And to the bar across the street where he made last call..." | Ordinary Life "She's always restless, she's over-medicated with the kind of emmotion that feels out of place. Never give your opinion they've got all the answers..." | If You Say So "wonder if i'll ever get ahead, i wouldn't mind, it's only fair don't know how much longer i can walk around pretending i don't care just a little bit, to feel at ease again no more belly ache, no more humbling..." | Good Enough "i don't care if it aint that great, it's all the same it's good enough for me if you don't dwell on the details, you might even like it it's good enough for me..." | Mr. Walker "the old man is out by nine his wife died a year ago always wearing his sunday clothes never seen him talk to anyone..." | Charity "down by the racetrack waiting with their signs the ugly broken people got no place to go and a guilty boy scout with his conscience in his hand buys some reconciliation..." | |
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Astray" album, click "Samiam Singer" and search album songs from the artist page. | |
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