Sammy Hagar The Waboritas - Whole Lotta Zep Lyrics

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Artist: Sammy Hagar The Waboritas
Song Title: Whole Lotta Zep
Visits: 714
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Hey hey Mama said the way you move

gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove

I want a whole lotta love

I want a wholelotta love

whole of lotta love, love, love

Hey hey child when you shake that thing

gonna make you burn, gonna make you sting

I want a whole lotta love

a whole of lotta love

a whole of lotta love

I need a whole lotta love

Hey hey child when you walk that way

watch your honey drip, can't keep away

Hey, whole lotta love

whole lotta love

love, love, love

I need a whole lotta love

whole lotta love

whole lotta love

whole lotta love

whole lotta love, love, love


I don't know, but I've been told

a big legged woman ain't got no soul

Give me a whole lotta love

whole lotta love

whole lotta love, love, love, baby

I need a whole lotta love

whole lotta love

I need a whole lotta love

whole lotta love, love, love, baby

I need a whole lotta love

hey, whole lotta love

whole lotta love

I need a whole lotta love, love, love, baby

whole lotta love

love, love, love

oh, oh, oh

baby, baby, baby, whole lotta


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    Yeah this old Mustang still can run..."
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