Samson - COMMUNION Lyrics

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Artist: Samson
Samson Author
Album: Shock Tactics (1981)
Samson - Shock Tactics Album
Genre: Metal
Visits: 1495
Print Version

Muscles getting weaker
Outlook getting bleaker
Sun is setting in your eye

Winter's blown your hair grey
For many seasons now
As you speak your willpower is drained

Now we can start the long way home
Now we can start the long way home

Call upon the energy within you
Communion will come from all around

Magnify your tiny light
Spirit blessing in the night
Feel your power surge

Now we can start the long way home
Now we can start the long way home
Now we can start the long way home
Now we can start the long way home

Rest in peace tonight
If we find our way back there

Deaf and blind and weary;
Rest and sleep tonight
If we build a place of peace

So when we meet our last goodbye
Our final breath a contened sigh
Our children will be free

Rest in peace tonight
Find our way back there

Now we can start the long way home
Find our way back there
Now we can start the long way home
Find our way back there

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    Don't fool with me, I'm gonna make you burn..."
  • Vice Versa
    "She was a real two timer,
    She knew I'd never leave,
    She thought that she could make it,
    I could never believe,..."
  • Manwatcher
    "Peeking at you, looking at you through the wall,
    Wanting you, your body looking so small,
    Teasing me, saying you are gonna do it,
    Touching me, loving me and lead me to it,..."
  • Too Close To Rock
    "We had you trained, to be so classical
    And you learned to play the guitar at school,
    But now we've caught you, you've been playing the fool,
    We don't think your musical taste is cool...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Shock Tactics" album, click "Samson Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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