Sanctus Real - Things Like You Lyrics

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Artist: Sanctus Real
Song Title: Things Like You
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loving things like you has wrecked my life,
made me cry,
loving things like you has made me lose
my mind
and i cant figure out why ive been hanging on
to all these things ive tried to leave behind me for so long

and i think its time to find a better way to live my life
than loving all those things that keep me wrapped so tight

cause everyone wants everyone elses eveything
sometimes the more we have the less we really gain
and im tired of loving all that money has to buy
get out of my heart, out of my mind, im leaving you behind
get out of my heart, out of my mind, im leaving you behind

loving things like you has left me bruised
black and blue,
loving thigns like you has made me
so confused
and i cant figure out what ive been waiting on
God i can't be living life for things i know are wrong

now i think its time to write a better chapter in my life,
leaving all those things that keep me wrapped so tight,

cause everyone wants everyone elses everything,
sometimes the more we have the less we really gain,
and im tired of loving all that money has to buy,
get out my heart, out of my mind, im leaving you behind

why are we obsessed with possesions here on earth,
go and take a look at the flowers and the birds,
God is always taking care of nature's every need,
and how much more important in the Father's eyes are we,
i said how much more important in the Father's eyes are we

he sees everything

everyone wants everyone elses everything,
sometimes the more we have the less we really gain,
and im tired of loving all that money has to buy,
get you out of my heart, out of my mind, im leaving you behind,
get you out of my heart, out of my mind, im leaving you behind,
out of my heart, out of my mind, im leaving you behind

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Other Sanctus Real song Lyrics
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  • Alone
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    My heart was waiting for you
    And when we met I felt my chest
    Pound fast, racing for the chance..."
  • Audience Of One
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    And I'm tired of feeling underground
    It's time to take this inside...
    And all my insecurity..."
  • Captains Chair
    "Where did you go?
    How have you been?
    We'll be right here.
    Where did you go?..."
  • Change Me
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    What I said last night?
    Did I break your heart by
    Straying so far?..."
  • Closer
    "I'm not satisfied in this lifetime
    I'm following you to the other side
    There's nothing that can change my mind
    You're all I need..."
  • Craving
    "I'm craving
    For the best of You
    I want the best of You
    I'm craving..."

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