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The Second Day Song Lyrics
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Other Sandra song Lyrics | In the Heat of the Night "Talk to me Want my Love Talk to me But not that stuff..." | On The Tray (Seven Years) "Once in a year I'm looking back counting my rounds Time after time it's been so hard holding my ground And I miss you For seven years,..." | Little Girl "Venice night, at five o'clock, the station, hazy light A sleeping bum, a single girl, she's leaving overnight And she knows that it's forever, and she'll never ever return In Italy, on holidays, she had to see Da Vinci's style..." | You And I "Changes Turning my pages What's gone is gone you gonna show the way..." | (Ill Never Be) Maria Magdalena "You take my love You want my soul I would be crazy to share your life Why can't you see what I want..." | Heartbeat "Heartbeat thats emotion Heartbeat its devotion Ever more desire Tell me is someone whos better..." | Change Your Mind "Change your mind We getting closer Change your mind We can closer..." | Dont Cry (The Breakup Of The World) "people crowd together why don't you take it wait a little longer an' see how they make it..." | |
...Show All | if you want to see other song lyrics from "Mirrors" album, click "Sandra Singer" and search album songs from the artist page. | |
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