Sandy - Unexpected Lyrics
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Unexpected Song Lyrics
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I've never had a sign above my head
Saying walk all over me
Once I leave I don't regret the things I did
And I like strange relationships
I rely on me, myself and I
If I lose my way so what, I tried? (I tried..)
Are you still interested?
Wouldn't want you breathing down my neck
Expect horizontally
Even I'm not sure of what comes next
I let it flow naturally (oh yeah..)
The party goes where I go
Mad, bad, and dangerous to know (to know..)
Can you handle it?
So before you get to know me
Open wide your dirty mind
Who knows where it could lead
If you leave a little room
For the unexpected
The more you get to know me (know me..)
You'll wonder how you lived without it
Take all the love that you need
But leave a little room
For the unexpected
(dont you know that i want you.. dont you know that ..
unexpected... dont you know
that i want you..)
I live my life in overdrive
Put the needle in the red
All my senses working overtime
Got a crazy kind of Zen
Step inside, new rules apply
If you're ready just call me tonight
we dont let it go..
So before you get to know me
Open wide your dirty mind (dirty mind!)
Who knows where it could lead
If you leave a little room
For the unexpected
The more you get to know me (know me..)
You'll wonder how you lived without it (unexpected..)
Take all the love that you need
But leave a little room
(sandy .. support manuell)
For the unexpected
Sie schauen sich in die Gesichter doch sie glauben es nicht
sie wissen das sie Augen haben doch sie trauen ihnen nicht (ohh..)
homie das hier is kein Benefiz.. das ist der Sandy shit..
der brennt kauf oder lad's dir auf dein Handy shit..
three things und ich schie? auf den Lungen.. dies is gelungen!
HOMEGIRL rief nach den jungen.. und -
tut nicht so als kennt ihr sie nicht.. homie das sind sandy,
manuell not bout' some
family shit! (yeah..)
und wenn ihr jetzt nix mehr zum scherzen habt.. dann chill out dieses video is ?berraschen
wie 'n Herzinfarkt.. dreht auf - gibbet mehr im club
wenn das ding nicht mehr
manuellsen ist dann glaub mir isses name cut ..kommt leaves alone.. oder sing
den schei? und du
brauchst nicht zum recall zu kommen .. nun jetzt is deine ex
weg du wei'?t wer sie ins bett kriegt
So before you get to know me
Open wide your dirty mind
Who knows where it could lead
If you leave a little room
For the unexpected
The more you get to know me (know me..)
You'll wonder how you lived without it
Take all the love that you need
But leave a little room
For the unexpected
Just so you know
I'm fire without smoke
I'm bass without buzz
Let's see how low we can go
Wherever ever we land
It's out of you hands
So many beautiful things
You cant control
unexpected... yeah...
So before you get to know me
You'll wonder how you lived without it
Take all the love that you need
But leave a little room
For the unexpected
So before you get to know me
You'll wonder how you lived without it
Take all the love that you need
But leave a little room
For the unexpected
unexpected.. (Manuell: Feel so good baby!)
But leave a little room for the unexpected
Unexpected Lyrics
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Other Sandy song Lyrics
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I want a bad boy
I want a bad boy
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