Sandy Denny - Let It Go Lyrics

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Artist: Sandy Denny
Song Title: Let It Go
Visits: 558
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Theres no excuse for torture, that you ought to know.

Let it live, let it breathe, let it go.

Yonder stands a scarecrow and hes hollow in his robes.

Let it live, let it breathe, let it go.


The song was only in our time,

Theyll call it long, long ago.

Theyll say - ``ah, well, it was their best.

Let it go, let it go

The master and the mistress, trying hard to show,

Let it live, let it breathe, let it go.

There is no time for shame, or tears on a window pane.

Let it live, let it breathe, let it go.


Eyes were made to smile and water, tears were made to flow,

Let it live, let it breathe, let it go.

Theres a game that would have bought you, were you ever set to throw,

Let it live, let it breathe, let it go.


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