Sane - Drag to Drown Lyrics

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Artist: Sane
Song Title: Drag to Drown
Visits: 679
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And you go out, into the shallows
and you reach the place
where the words are taken,
so choose, anything at all.

And in the shadows, what you found there,
wasn't suited to your tastes,
but you grew, and you took it all.

And you blink in the light as your eyes adjust,
you take a step back but not that much as I...

Drag you, drown you.
Drag you, drown you.
As the light shines in,
on the things that remain among us all
Drag you, drown you.

Won't you slow down, take it all back,
visit the place that the pictures related,
and nothing, bothered you at all.

And in the morning, pain will wake me,
and I'll sit in the new light and study your image,
but you're miles away, and unreachable.

And I'll blink in the light as my eyes adjust,
I'll take a step back but not that much as I...

And you can make your bargains,
but can you make them stick.
You can make your deals with my life,
but someone's got to pay.
There's always someone who's got to pay.

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  • Great Expectations
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  • Hypnotize
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    Step out of the darkness, watch the light
    you'll be hypnotized.
    Come inside, mesmerize..."
  • Later
    "save it for later, Ill wait for the darkness
    thats when the chances seem the best to me
    youve got me in stitches, states of confusion
    Im just a flower in youre potpourri..."
  • ...Show All

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