Santana F/ Melky Jean, Govner Washington - Since Supernatural Lyrics

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Artist: Santana F/ Melky Jean, Govner Washington
Song Title: Since Supernatural
Visits: 555
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Since Supernatural ain't nothin changed
All new players still the same old game
Well if you're low-ridin or your up in your range
Let me see you blow your horn
For the mommies that be lookin good at the bus stop
The ones at the club that be makin the fires start
Your fools with the thugs that be makin the guns spark
Why can't we all just get along?
LAPD, riots, beating
Streets on fire, people fleeting
Someone said there' O.J. speeding
Cochran beef in that club ain't fittin
Tyson's fight, Vegas lights
Tupac last his life that night
And Biggie dies
And hip-hop prize
And that's when the East and the West unite
So, come on

If you're in here tonight
And the girls look right
And the thug wanna fight
Tell 'em we ain't havin it
First of the month
Rent is due
No money for no food
We ain't havin it
We came to shake it
Back-bone break it
All in together now
We ain't havin it
Santana, bandana with the guitar
Party people turn it up a little louder

Since Supernatural ain't nothin changed
Still boppin heads on the uptown train
Playin in the speakers while you drive in the rain
Speedin on the parkway switchin lanes
From the underground to the tunnel bangin your radio
MTV, BET, video
The Santana show via satellite in Mexico
VIP at the door
No more dreamin, guitars screamin
You can make it, keep believing
But as times keep passin
Feel my passion
I won't sell my soul for fashion
Grammy night, too much hype, too much cars, too much ice
My man just got 25 to life
Aaliyah flies to paradise

If the city gets dark I'll be alright
And if the pain comes I'll be your core
If you can't breathe I'll be your rail
Just know that we will always prevail
North, South, East to the West side
Put this on the booth, it should be world wide
North, South, East to the West side
Put your hands in the air and represent your side

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