Sarah - Take That Lyrics

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Artist: Sarah
Song Title: Take That
Visits: 768
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I'll bet that you didn't know
that we girls talk
discussin' all kind of things
don't look so shocked
and your little secret was no secret at all

so now you've lost me and I've also heard
she's gonna leave you as well

take that
don't underestimate me or play me for no fool
take that
you oughta know by now I'm really on to you
take that
hey Mr. innocent you got what you deserved

take that
take that

it ain't fun being lonely, I know you'll find
try reading a few books, you'll have the time
cause now that the world's out
to every girl in town

I hope you don't mind seeing boys for a while
cause that's all you will get

take that
a woman scorned is not a pretty sight to see
take that
and now you're bringing out the bitchy part of me
take that
and there's no tellin' just exactly what I'll do

take that
take that

you really hurt me, deeper than anyone
I trusted you with my heart
I really loved you, I gave my soul too
but now I'm taking it back

take that
don't underestimate me or play me for no fool
take that
you oughta know by now I'm really on to you
take that
hey Mr. innocent you got what you deserved

take that
take that

take that
a woman scorned is not a pretty sight to see
take that
and now you're bringing out the bitchy part of me
take that
and there's no tellin' just exactly what I'll do

take that
take that

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