Sarah Brightman - Solveigs song Lyrics

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Artist: Sarah Brightman
Sarah Brightman Author
Song Title: Solveigs song
Visits: 731
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The winter may pass and the spring disappear
The spring disappear
The summer too will vanish and then the year
And then the year
But this I know for certain: you'll come back again
You'll come back again
And even as I promised you'll find me waiting then
You'll find me waiting then

Oh-oh-oh ....

God help you when wand'ring your way all alone
Your way all alone
God grant to you his strength as you'll kneel at his throne
As you'll kneel at his throne
If you are in heaven now waiting for me
In heaven for me
And we shall meet again love and never parted be
And never parted be!

Oh-oh-oh ....

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    "Down yonder green valley where streamlets meander,
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    Amid the dark shades of the lonely Ash grove...."
  • O Waly Waly
    "The water is wide, I cannot get o'er,
    And neither have I wings to fly.
    Give me a boat that will carry two,
    And both shall row, my love and I...."
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    When, rous'd by lute or horn, she wakes,
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  • The Plough Boy
    "A flaxen-headed cowboy, as simple as may be,
    And next a merry plough boy, I whistled o'er the lea;
    But now a saucy footman, I strut in worsted lace,
    And soon I'll be a butler, and whey my jolly face...."

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