Sarah Connor - 1 1 = 2 Lyrics
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Sarah Connor Singer Lyrics
1 1 = 2 Song Lyrics
Sarah Connor
One Night Stand (2002)
Song Title:
1 1 = 2
Print Version
One and one is two
and the one for me is you
only you
It's everytime I see you
I know I have to have you
Cause baby you just drive me wild
Can't get you out of my mind
I feel like I just want to lay
So close to you that people say
The two of us are merging
Baby this is urgent
One and one is two
and baby the one for me is you
and now that you've learned the abc
You're ready to come inside my dreams
All I wanna do
Is show you the love you never knew
So I will sing this song to you and
Make you see one and one is two
Now listen
And when we are together
The feeling's so much better
Just you and me we'll take a ride
To get into our inside
Like deeper than the ocean's deep
Climb higher than the mountain's peak
So let us start the merging
Cause baby this is urgent
One and one is two
and baby the one for me is you
and now that you've learned the abc
You're ready to come inside my dreams
All I wanna do
Is show you the love you never knew
So I will sing this song to you and
Make you see one and one is two
Love is on my mind
Can I get you in tonight
One and one is two
Baby, baby
Up, down all around
Let us turn it inside out
One and one is two
One and one is two
The one for me is you
One and one is two
The one for me is you
It's everytime I see you
I know I have to have you
Cause baby you just drive me wild
Can't get you out of my mind
I feel like I just want to lay
So close to you that people say
The two of us are merging
Baby this is urgent
One and one is two
and baby
1 1 = 2 Lyrics
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Other Sarah Connor song Lyrics
Magic Ride
"Come on let me take you on a magic ride
Boy I wanna show you better ways to fly
Whatever you wish for
Ill do it for you..."
Where Do We Go From Here
"No matter how hard I try
A love like that keeps pushing me inside
But after all is said and done
You're gonna be the only one..."
Cant Get None
"U like the cars, U want the stars no no no still can't get none
U watch me ball, with all my dogs ya mad cuz ya can't get none
When they bump my hits, it make U sick no no no no U still can't get none
U see the life, U want the life be mad..."
One Nite Stand
"Sarah Connor its an honour
One nite stand
The Loving Permission
"This time I don't wanna go out
Let's just stay inside
And look what we can find
If we only try..."
Where Did You Sleep Last Nite
"I've been waiting all night long
Just for you to come back home
And I've tried to close my eyes
Tried to forget all your lies..."
Wait Til You Hear From Me
"This song is about Maria
A close friend of mine
Who lost herself in drugs
She told me to wait for her..."
"One and one is two
and the one for me is you
only you
It's everytime I see you..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "One Night Stand" album, click "
Sarah Connor Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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