Sarah Connor - Where Did U Sleep Last Nite? Lyrics
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Sarah Connor Singer Lyrics
Where Did U Sleep Last Nite? Song Lyrics
Sarah Connor
Song Title:
Where Did U Sleep Last Nite?
Print Version
I've been waiting all night long
Just for you to come back home
And I've tried to close my eyes
Tried to forget all your lies
Tell me, did I get you wrong
When you said our love is strong
Now it's time to make up your mind
Tell me
Where did you sleep last night
Verse 1
Gave you all of my money
Gave you all of my time
Really loved makin' love to you honey
Was just too blind to see the sign
Oh baby tell me how could I believe it
After all you put me through
Promised me this time is different
And now again I'm sittin' here
And the one that is missin' is you
Verse 2
Oh just go on lying to my face
Sayin' all you need is a little of space
But if you come home to me tonight
You'll find the bedroom very empty tonight
'Cause I'll be gone and on my way
And your smile will fade away
Oh baby I can't stand this no more
And don't you ever come back to me
Lie to me, try to be
Like the man I once loved in my dreams
You're a fake, pretty mistake
Breaking of my heart, now I put you straight
Out of here, shed no tear
Need a maximum of love my dear
See the door, come no more
Don't turn around, what you're waiting for
You're my stress, need respect
Only thing you give is heart attack
Don't take checks it's just gotta
Be what you call in cash instead
Here's my decision you
Lose your position right now
Where Did U Sleep Last Nite? Lyrics
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Other Sarah Connor song Lyrics
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Boy I wanna show you better ways to fly
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Ill do it for you..."
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Let's just stay inside
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Where Did You Sleep Last Nite
"I've been waiting all night long
Just for you to come back home
And I've tried to close my eyes
Tried to forget all your lies..."
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"This song is about Maria
A close friend of mine
Who lost herself in drugs
She told me to wait for her..."
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and the one for me is you
only you
It's everytime I see you..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Unbelievable" album, click "
Sarah Connor Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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