Sarah Fimm - Sexual Animals Lyrics

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Artist: Sarah Fimm
Song Title: Sexual Animals
Visits: 525
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Please come in the back door, Close it behind you,

I won't ever tell them you're here.

Me? I like the trapdoors, the keeping of a secret.

Your affinity for deepness pulls me down.

Sexual animals.

Come inside of me just enough to hurt this body.

I know that you know how.

Come inside of me you know it's exactly what I need.

So careful where you're touching, I'm not ready yet.

What is there to catch you if the safety net has ripped.

Wide-eyed you look me over, unbuttoning my skin.

I take a deep breath in.

Sexual animals.

Crawl inside of me just enough to hurt this body.

I know that you know how.

Come inside of me you know it's exactly what I need.

Your entourage is waiting by the car while I sit here bonding with some brand new scars.

Lets kiss goodbye, close your eyes. "Sleep" he said, you're already dead.

Sexual Animals.

Come inside of me just enough to hurt this body.

I know that you know how. Come inside of me. Come inside of me.

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  • Be Like Water
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    Don?t get bought
    Don?t sell out, don?t get bent..."
  • Be What You Wanna Be
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    I've seen my death
    It came before my eyes and blinded by the light
    I realized..."
  • Bombay Cafe
    "I remember our day at the Bombay Caf?, when I found out love ain't enough.
    An old man at the bar tossing dreams into jars, said, "girl he ain't gonna show up."
    And I stood there a mess and uncertain,
    'Till he walked through the break in the curtain...."
  • Circus Type Thing
    "Full of this stuff, just waiting for a sign.
    Watching the years I am watching? the flowers die.
    The spider within holding on by string,
    Still I'm all alone hearing this circus type thing...."

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