Sarah Harmer - Almost Lyrics

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Artist: Sarah Harmer
Song Title: Almost
Visits: 603
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I almost dialed your number,
When I thought the coast was clear
cause it's looked up for so long at me,
And said call me please.

But the place was closing,
the countergirl turned the sign,
the cooks were getting their coats
and I got mine,
and said goodnight to the sea of empty seats.

And if I am a sailor,
then you are the warm gulf wind,
and you've blown into this little port
and roused my dreams again.

I see my mouth moving when I talk to you,
I do,
I see my lips and I feel like a kid
I can't keep something hid
Cause I've been under the paper you were writing on
you left your impression long after you'd gone
on me,
marks only I can see.


When we say sometime later,
you know that we don't say when,
You have blown into this little port
and roused my dreams again.

I almost dialed your number,
When I thought the coast was clear
cause it's looked up for so long at me,
And said call me please.


When we say sometime later,
you know that we don't say when,
You have blown into this little port
and roused my dreams again.
Roused my dreams.

Sailor to wind...

Almost Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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