Sarah Harmer - Silver Road Lyrics

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Artist: Sarah Harmer
Song Title: Silver Road
Visits: 589
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i'll be way down a silver road, i'll go
where the moon has it lit up
turn off your headlights and go slowly
i don't want it to let up.

have you been thinking that you were all alone
but i still thought of you
word every once in a while forgetting that
some of it could be true
held in the beam of a light i thought we shared
shone between two shores
and wants to be traveled like the gravel that
runs from my door to yours

i'll be way down the silver road, i'll go
where the moon has it lit up
turn off your headlights and go slowly
i don't want it to let up.

way down a silver road, i'll go
where the moon has it lit up
turn off your headlights and go slowly
i don't want it to let up.

da da da...
held in the beam of a light i thought we shared
shone between two shores
and wants to be traveled like the gravel that
runs from my door to yours

i'll be way down a silver road, i'll go
where the moon has it lit up
turn off your headlights and go slow
i don't want it to let up.

way down a silver road, i'll go
where the moon has it lit up
turn off your headlights and go slowly
i don't want it to let up.

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