Sarah Hudson - Bad Habit Lyrics

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Artist: Sarah Hudson
Song Title: Bad Habit
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They always said you were unhealthy
Wouldn't be there for me
But I knew different
They always said that you would break me
Bend me and forsake me
I wouldn't listen

I knew better than that
I knew just where it's at
And it was, but it's not, anymore
And I'm not as sure as I was before

Now I got a bad habit I just can't break
I can't shake it
It's already much too late
I'm standin' naked with my beatiful mistake
A bad habit and it just won't go away

You were magical and mistic
Tangled up and twisted
And oh, so tragic
Maybe that was the attraction
Drove me to distraction
But I had to have it

I got carried away
What else can I say?
There I was I still am
And I can't understand
Why I'm stuck in the palm of your hand


Why do I need you like this?
Why don't I try to resist?
I can't just flip a switch and watch you fade

Oh, ohh, ohh, oh, ohh, ohh


Now I got a bad habit
I just can't quit
I can't kick it
I want more and more of it
I'm standin' naked with my beatiful mistake
A bad habit, hope it never goes away

I just can't quit, I can't kick it

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