Sarah Mclachlan - Ol55 Lyrics

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Artist: Sarah Mclachlan
Sarah Mclachlan Author
Song Title: Ol55
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 817
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Well my time has come quickly,
I go lickety-splitly down to my old '55
As I pulled away slowly,
I was feeling so holy,
God knows,
I was feeling alive.

Now the sun's coming up,
I'm riding with Lady Luck,
cars and trucks,
Stars beginning to fade,
and I lead the parade
Just a-wishing I'd stayed a little longer,
Oh, Lord,
let me tell you that the feeling's getting stronger.

And it's six in the morning,
gave me no warning;
I had to be on my way.
Well there's trucks all a-passing,
and the lights all are flashing,
I'm on my way home from the place.

Well the sun's coming up,
I'm riding with Lady Luck,
cars and trucks,
Stars beginning to fade,
and I lead the parade
Just a-wishing I'd stayed a little longer,
Oh, Lord,
let me tell you that the feeling's getting stronger.

Well my time has come quickly,
I go lickety-splitly down to my old '55
As I pulled away slowly,
I was feeling so holy,
God knows,
I was feeling alive.

Now the sun's coming up,
I'm riding with Lady Luck,
cars and trucks,
cars and trucks,
cars and trucks ...

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Other Sarah Mclachlan song Lyrics
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  • World On Fire
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  • Stupid
    "Night lift up the shades
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  • Drifting
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  • Trainwreck
    "Your love in all it's finery
    Tear up the darkness all around me
    Until I can breathe again
    Until I believe again..."
  • Push
    "Every time I look at you the world just melts away
    All my troubles all my fears dissolve in your affections
    You've seen me at my weakest but you take me as I am
    And when you fall you offer me a softer place to land..."
  • Answer
    "I will be the answer
    At the end of the line
    I will be there for you
    While you take the time..."
  • Time
    "Time here all but means nothing
    Just shadows that move across the wall
    They keep me company, but they dont ask of me
    The don't say nothing at all..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Freedom Sessions" album, click "Sarah Mclachlan Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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