Sarah Slean - John the 23rd Lyrics

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Artist: Sarah Slean
Song Title: John the 23rd
Visits: 575
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Inside a heart

Of freezing boys

Searching for the answer

In a shiney dime

Who beg for sleep

And piece of mind

Why must the aging page


Me and John the 23rd have

Tasted these sour words and I

Just can't shake this belief that it's not a

Test of devotion or something you read

From the dawn of time

They taught her why

Not to ask those questions

And never cry

A plate of stars

Could never take the place of the

Boy who swore to catch me

As I run through the rye

I know it's been quite a long time since I

Sang a hym without guilt in my eyes

And I know he truly wouldn't care

'Cause if you really tried, he'd save a place for you there

My weary heart

Is looking, restless

Not for a pardon

But just one promise

All the faith that one can deserve, it's

Enough to wonder why you punish your girls

Sure he's facing you now, and not the wall, but isn't that

Better than facing nothing at all?

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