Sash - Halleluja Lyrics

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Artist: Sash
Sash Author
Album: Trilenium (2000)
Sash - Trilenium Album
Song Title: Halleluja
Genre: Dance: Pop
Visits: 1016
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Yeah! Hmmmmm!
I wanna thank you,
I wanna thank you,
I wanna thank you
Sing Halleluja,
Sing Halleluja,
Sing Halleluja,
Sing Halleluja,
For a peaceful world!!

Yeah! Thank you for this peaceful world,
Thank you for mobile phones,
Thank you for perfect skin,
Thank you for faster food,
Thank you for pay-TV (yeah),
Thank you for remote controls (yeah),
Thank you for party time (yeah),
Thank you for aspirin

I wanna thank you, Halleluja Lord!
Halleluja Lord!
Halleluja Lord!
Halleluja Lord! (Aaaaaah), Yeah!
Halleluja, Halleluja,
I wanna thank you
I wanna thank you
I wanna thank you
I wanna thank you
For a peaceful world, Halleluja!!

Thank you for a lighter lifestyle,
Thank you for the internet,
Thank you for shopping malls,
Thank you for one-way streets (yeah),
Thank you for global warming,
Thank you for rainy holidays,
Thank you for better understanding (yeah),
Thank you for the GPS (yeah),
Thank you for the radio (yeah),
Thank you for the yellow press (yeah),
Thank you for plastic surgery,
Thank you for safer sex, I thank you,
Thank you for the world cup finals,
Thank you for radar control,
Thank you for a brilliant future, in a peaceful world

I wanna hear you,
Sing a little louder, Yeah,
Sing a little louder, Halleluja!
Sing a little louder, Halleluja
Sing a little louder, Waaaaaah,
Sing a little louder, Yeah!, Halleluja!!,
Sing a little louder, For a peaceful world,
Sing a little louder, Singing Halleluja, Halleluja ,
Sing a little louder, Singing Halleluja, Halleluja,
Sing a little louder, Singing Halleluja, Halleluja,
Sing up so it fills the room, Halleluja!!,
Halleluja, (Oooooh) I will thank you Lord,
Halleluja, For a brilliant future,
Halleluja, Thank you,
Halleluja, In a peaceful world,

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    Show me the right way!
    Show me the right way!
    Show me the right way!..."
  • Le Soleil Noir
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    La lumi?re s'en va
    Un petit moment d'obscurit?
  • Just Around the Hill
    "Just Around The Hill
    What if the world was out of trouble
    What if the world was out of pain
    Would it be a world that's worth living in..."
  • Tell Me Now
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    Saw you dancing here tonight, with a smile that shines so bright, could I hold you tonight?
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    Do you think that's enough?..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Trilenium" album, click "Sash Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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