Sasha - Lady Lyrics

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Artist: Sasha
Sasha Author
Song Title: Lady
Visits: 664
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Verse 1:
Lady hear me tonight
Cause my feeling
is just so right
As we dance by the moonlight
can't you see
you're my daylight

Verse 2:
Lady I just feel like
I won't get you
out of my mind
I feel love for the first time
and I know that is true
I can tell by the look in your eyes

Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 1
Verse 2

Lady hear me tonight
Cause my feeling
is just so right

Lady I just feel like
I feel love for the first time

Lady hear me tonight
Can't you see
you're my daylight

Lady I just feel like
I won't catch you
out of my mind

Lady hear me tonight
Cause my feeling
is just so right

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    It doesn't matter what they say
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  • Blown Away
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    You would eat me up alive..."
  • Turn It Into Something Special
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    Nothing's lost that can't be found
    Ain't a thing you can't get 'round..."
  • One Look In Your Eyes
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    OLIYE.. will tell if you're lying
    OLIYE.. gonna tell me what's wrong.
    When nobody else can see you've been crying..."
  • Here She Comes Again
    "Met a girl and wrote a letter - to get her
    Asking her if she could fill a hole in my heart
    Now I got myself all messed up - just my luck
    That she won't be buying..."
  • Everybody Loves You
    "Verse 1
    You're part of some heaven, but you're feeling like hell.
    an interesting ideal for someone to sell.
    You're living the lifestyle right here on public show,..."
  • On And On
    "as you had it.
    Everyone - has a chance to live a life of our own choosing
    and try to carry on, even though sometimes it feels like we are losing.
    Held together by our dreams when the boredom and the meaningless..."

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