Sasha Lazard - Tell Me Why (featuring Lili Hayden) Lyrics

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Album: The Myth Of Red (2002)
Sasha Lazard - The Myth Of Red Album
Artist: Sasha Lazard
Song Title: Tell Me Why (featuring Lili Hayden)
Visits: 1057
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Love - such a simple word

one we long to hear

til it's over

Love - has its way with me

I fall too easily

why must there be love

and why give me love if not forever

won't you tell me why

won't you tell me why

men - in the quise of love

give us lust for love

so convincing

Then - when they win your heart

they just break

it in pieces

why must I feel love

and why give me love if not forever

won't you tell me why

won't you tell me why

I remember

the way you made me tremble

I was so (so) astounded

by the thought that I had found you

a dream come true

won't you tell me why

won't you tell me why

why must there be love

and why give me love if not forever

oh why must I feel love

won't you tell me why

won't you tell me why

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Other Sasha Lazard song Lyrics
  • Stabat Mater IXXI
    "At the cross her station keeping,
    Stood the mournful mother weeping,
    Close to Jesus at last
    Gaze into my angel eyes..."
  • Awakening (featuring Lili Hayden)
    "Into the night
    you fled
    betrayed me
    your hollow heart..."
  • The Incubus (Le Revenant)
    "Like angels bestial-eyed shall I
    Come to your chamber by and by,
    And bed beside you, but without
    A sound, as night shades draw about...."
  • Romance
    "Don't leave, stay with me a while
    Here it is so joyous, so luminous.
    I desire so to warm your forehead
    With love and kisses...."
  • Angeli
    "Intorno all idol mio,
    Angeli pur, spirate
    E Nelle Guancelette
    Baciatelo per me..."
  • Awakening (Delerium Remix)
    "Into the night
    you fled
    betrayed me
    your hollow heart..."
  • Princess Mononoke Theme Song (Mononoke Hime)
    "In the moonlight I felt your heart
    quiver like a bow string's pulse
    in the moon's pale light
    you looked at me..."
  • Temptation
    "?come dance with me
    my crimson queen?
    the siren's singing to me ?
    a song so dark, so sweet..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Myth Of Red" album, click "Sasha Lazard Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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