Satanic Surfers - Count Me Out Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> S>> Satanic Surfers Singer Lyrics>> Count Me Out Song Lyrics
Artist: Satanic Surfers
Song Title: Count Me Out
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 580
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Just another girlband

Fuck that point of view

If you can not relate maybe the problem's you

Feeling insecure and threatened by their songs

It's easier to ridicule than to admit that you are wrong

Compare them to each other, say they sound the same

If you look at your record collection

That excuse is pretty lame

Just another girlband

It's a stupid point of view

Listen to their words and you might

Learn something new

To express your thought or what you feel isn't that what music is about?

If you decide it's not

If you decide it's not please count me out

All your sexist jokes are

No fun at all

And those pinup posters on your rehearsal room walls

It's all a stupid and ignorant

Rock 'n' roll myth

No wonder this business is so full of shit

But it seems the only way they can get through to you

Is to do what so many women before them have had to do

Use the traditional concept

Of their sexual appeal

To spread a message, express their thought or what they feel

To express your thought or what you feel isn't that what music is about?

If you decide it's not

If you decide it's not just count me out

We have so much to learn from each other

So many different people

(We have so much to learn)

So many different thoughts

(We have so much to learn)

So many different people

(We have so much to learn) (x2)

So many different thoughts

(We have so much to learn) (x2)

So many different people

(So much to learn) (x2)

So many different thoughts

(So much to learn) (x2)

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Other Satanic Surfers song Lyrics
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    She were a smile on her face as a disguise..."
  • Ketty
    "I drank my head to pieces, that day had been a bore first time in her apartment, I passed out on the floor next time in her apartment, had a fucking hole in my head I started on the floor but we ended up in bed I'm just a teenage punk first time in her apartment, I passed out on the floor funny how things they change, now I have a key to her door I'm just a teenage punk I'm just a teenagepunk and I love this girl I'm just a teenage punk I'm just a teenage punk and I love this world when I'm with that.....girl!

  • Hero Of Our Time
    "He used to be kind of a happy guy but then one day he said good-bye
    to the person he used to be and grow wings to set himself free
    he flew away from all of us away from what he once was a charade of phony
    smiles he's now a case in the x-files..."
  • Armless Skater
    "I have a friend whos only joy in life
    is to skate, surf and flog his log
    That is all he wants to do
    and I think thats really great...."
  • Puppet
    "surrounded by people
    who make your decisions
    living your live like a puppet on a string
    you don't raise your voice..."
  • Head Under Water
    "I can't stand your stupid ugly face,
    In combination with
    Your John Wayne cowboy boots
    After every time that I have met you,..."
  • Worn Out Words
    "Worn out words and platitudes,
    The more they talk the less we understand.
    Shoved around in circles
    like pieces of dirt..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "666 Motor Inn" album, click "Satanic Surfers Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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