Saturns Flea Collar - Aches And Pains Lyrics

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Artist: Saturns Flea Collar
Song Title: Aches And Pains
Visits: 648
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I'd better stick my hand up and tell you
how I feel 'cuz the feelings I have are so damned real
for someone so phoney glad handing dandy
hey there kid do ya wanna piece o'candy?
I'm a christmas cookie on a baking sheet and I'm forged in the
fire of what other people think abd I dont know nothin'
except what I was told, too damned scared to break the fuckin' mold.
oh life is hard, love is cheap I whine about my problems 7 days a week
it's a full-time job making sure you're perfect and I'd
probably die if it wasn't so worth it, I've got aches +
pains and no place to go with it maintaining my face
and I'm so damned stoic it's hard to be humble when
you've got all the answers,
would you like a side of fries or a pie with your whopper?
I'm a flame-boiled burger in a styrofoam package
littering the side of the road by the wreckage
of a head-on collision with our conflicting desires
you're splattered like a critter under my tires.
life is hard, love is cheap, blah blah blah...
you know I gotta lotta aches and pains

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