Saul Williams - Penny For A Thought Lyrics

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Artist: Saul Williams
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Song Title: Penny For A Thought
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Cancel the apocalypse
cartons of the milky way with pictures of a missing planet
last seen in pursuit of an American dream
this fool actually thinks he can drive his hummer on the moon
blasting DMX off the soundtrack of a South Park cartoon
niggas used to buy their families out of slavery
now we buy chains and links, smokes and drinks
they're paying me to record this, even more if you hear it
somebody tell me what you think I should do with the money
yes, friend tell me what you think I should do with the money
exactly how much is it gonna cost to free Mumia?
what's he gonna do with his freedom? talk on the radio?
radio programming is just that - a brainwashin' gleamed of purpose
to be honest, some freedom of speech makes me nervous
and you looking for another martyr in the form of a man
hair like a mane with an outstretched hand
in a roar of hearts, thoughts, reactionary defensiveness and counter
what exactly is innocence?
fuck it, I do believe in the existence of police brutality
who do I make checks payable to?
a young child stares at a glowing screen transfixed by tales of violence
his teenage father tells him that that's life, not that Barney shit
a purple dinosaur that speaks of love, a black man that speaks of blood
which one is keeping it real, son?
who manufactured your steel, son?
hardcore, ancient elements at the earth's core
fuck it, I'mma keep speaking 'til my throats sore
an emcee told a crowd of hundreds to put their hands in the air
an armed robber stepped to a bank and told everyone to put their hands in
the air
a Christian minister gives his benediction while the congregation hold
their hands in the air
love the image of the happy Buddha with his hands in the air
hands up and feel confused, define tomorrow
your belief system ain't louder than my car system
nigga walked down my block with his rotwiler, a subwoofer on a leash
each one teach one
the DJ spins a new philosophy into a barren mind
I can't front on it
my head nods as if to clear the last image from an etch-a-sketch
something like Rakim said- I could quote any emcee, but why should I?
how would it benefit me? karmic repercussions
are your tales of reality worth their sonic laced discussions?
suddenly, the ground shivers and quakes
a newborn startles and wakes
her mother rushes to her bed side to hold her to her breast
milk of sustenance heals and nourishes
from the depths of creation life still flourishes
yet we focus on death and destruction, violence, corruption
my people, let pharaoh go
what have you bought into? how much will it cost to buy you out?
what have you bought into? how much will it cost to buy you out?
what have you bought into? how much will it cost to buy you out?

how much it gonna cost to buy you out of my mind?
penny for a thought, y'all niggas is half steppin' wastin' my time
please, nigga what? you talkin to me?
please baby, baby, baby can I borrow - can i borrow a nickle, a dime, and
that quarter
penny for a thought, penny for a thought
how much will it cost to buy you out of buyin' into a reality that
originally bought you?
dime a dozen, y'all niggas a dime a dozen
penny for a thought, nigga, c'mon, penny for a thought
think fast, think fast, c'mon, time is money

time is money, money is time
so i keep 7 o'clock in the bank and gain interest in the hour of God
I'm saving to buy my freedom, God, grant me wings, I'm too fly not to fly
I soared further past humans without wings so I soar
and fine tickling the feathers of my wings
flying hysterically, over land numerically
I am seven mountains higher than the valley of death

Seven mountains higher than the valley of death
Seven dimensions deeper than dimensions of breath
(x12, gradually mixed out)

we're performing an exorcism on all this keep it real-ism
violence, sensationalism
in the name of the hip hop that nurtured me, cultured me
we are ordering all evil entities to exit this body, leave this body
in the name of microphone fiends and a young boy's b-boy dreams
we draw you to leave this body, leave this body
all evil entities, all wannabe emcees
decoys, decoys, send in the true b-boys
the true b-boys be men, motherfuckers
be men in the name of Scott La Rock
in the name of T-La Rock
motherfuckers don't remember how to do the reeboks
walk, hop, I told you to leave this body
leave this body, leave this body
I told you to leave this body
leave this body, leave this body
motherfuckers must think I'm crazy
shit, I think y'all motherfuckers is crazy
I want my fuckin' MTV
penny for a thought, nigga, penny for a thought
what the fuck have you bought into

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Other Saul Williams song Lyrics
  • Telegram
    "I'm falling up flights of stairs, scraping myself from the sidewalk, jumping from rivers to bridges, drowning in pure air. Hip Hop is lying on the side of the road, half dead to itself. Blood scrawled over its mangled flesh, like jazz, stuffed into an oversized record bag. Tuba lips swollen beyond recognition. Diamond studded teeth strewn like rice at karma's wedding. The ring bearer bore bad news. Minister of information wrote the wrong proclamation. Now everyone's singing the wrong song. Dissonant chords find necks like nooses. That nigga kicked the chair from under my feet. Harlem shaking from a rope, but still on beat. "Damn that loop is tight." Nigga, found a way to sample the way the truth the light. Can't wait to play myself at the party tonight. Niggas are gonna die. Cop car swerves to the side of the road. Hip Hop takes its last breath. The cop scrawls vernacular manslaughter onto a yellow pad, then balls the paper into his hand, deciding he'd rather free-style. "You have the right to remain silent." You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to remain silent. And maybe you should have before your bullshit manifested.
    These thugs can't fuck with me, they're too thugged out. Niggas think I'm bugged out, 'cause I ain't Sean John or Lugged out. This ain't hip hop no more, son, it's bigger than that. This ain't ghetto no more, black, it's bigger than black. So where my aliens at? Girl, we're all illegal. This system ain't for us. It's for rich people. And you ain't rich, dawg, you just got money. But you can't buy shit to not get hungry.
    These thugs can't fuck with me, they're too thugged out. Niggas think I'm bugged out, 'cause I ain't Sean John or Lugged out. This ain't hip hop no more, son, it's bigger than that. This ain't ghetto no more, black, it's bigger than black. So where my aliens at? Girl, we're all illegal. This system ain't for us. It's for rich people. And you ain't rich, dawg, you just got money. But you can't buy shit to not get hungry.

  • List Of Demands (Reparations)
    "I want my money back. I'm down here drowning in your fat. You got me on my knees praying for everything you lack. I ain't afraid of you. I'm just a victim of your fears. You cower in your tower praying that I'll disappear, I got another plan, one that requires me to stand. On the stage or in the street, don't need no microphone or beat. And when you hear this song, if you ain't dead then sing along. Bang and strum to these here drums til you get where you belong.
    I got a list of demands written on the palm of my hands. I ball my fist and you're gonna know where I stand. We're living hand to mouth! You wanna be somebody? See somebody? Try and free somebody? I gotta list of demands written on the palm of my hands. I ball my fist and you're gonna know where I stand. We're living hand to mouth! Hand to mouth!
    I wrote a song for you today while I was sitting in my room. I jumped up on my bed today and played it on a broom. I didn't think that it would be a song that you would hear, but when I played it in my head, I made you reappear. I wrote a video for it and I acted out each part. Then I took your picture out and taped it to my heart. I've taped you to my heart dear girl, I've taped you to my heart and if you pull away from me you'll tear my life apart..
    I got a list of demands written on the palm of my hands. I ball my fist and you're gonna know where I stand. We're living hand to mouth! You wanna be somebody? See somebody? Try and free somebody? I gotta list of demands written on the palm of my hands. I ball my fist and you're gonna know where I stand. We're living hand to mouth! Hand to mouth!..."
  • Black Stacey
    "I used to hump my pillow at night.
    The type of silent prayer to help myself prepare for the light.
    Me and my cousin Duce would rank the girls between one and ten
    and the highest number got to be my pillows pretend...."
  • 1987
    "* send corrections to the typist
    Acid-wash Guess with the leather patches
    Sportin' the white Diadoras with the hoodie that matches
    I'm wearing two Swatches and a small Gucci pouch..."
  • Coded Language
    "Whereas, breakbeats have been the missing link connecting the diasporic
    community to its drum woven past
    Whereas the quantised drum has allowed the whirling mathematicians to
    calculate the ever changing distance between rock and stardom...."
  • Elohim 1972
    "In 1972 my mother was rushed from a James Brown concert
    in order to give birth to me
    my style is black hole
    most niggas simply sound like earth to me..."
  • Fearless
    "I don't know whether to laugh or cry
    and I don't know whether to live or die
    I kept my love for her locked deep inside
    it cuts like a knife..."
  • Lalala
    "Nigga, you betta drink half a gallon
    of shaolin before you pluck the strings
    of my violin, my life is orchestrated, like
    london symphony, concentrated. Niggas waited..."

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