Saves The Day - Certain Tragedy Lyrics

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Artist: Saves The Day
Saves The Day Author
Album: Stay What You Are (2001)
Saves The Day - Stay What You Are Album
Song Title: Certain Tragedy
Genre: Rock
Visits: 604
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And now I finally see that the further we go
we're only treading ground that we already know.
I could write you a song, send you a note, or empty out your trash
and buy a bucket full of diamonds but
even the most beautiful of all roses must someday crumble to dust
and fade away.
It's a certain tragedy.
So it's on into the lonely nights and all the rest of it.
The empty space between me and the sunken walls
and feeling someone's hand around my neck
choking away the life that i have left.
And I can finally see that the further I go I'm only treading ground
that I don't wanna know.
I'll probably hang upside-down from wooden rafters in my home
and look at old photos of you.
So it's on into the lonely nights and all the rest of it.
The empty space between me and the sunken walls
and feeling someone's hand around my neck
choking away the life that i have left.
I miss the warmth of the summer when we were on our own,
but now it's winter and my bones are cold.
And now I finally see that the further we go we're only treading ground
that we already know.
I could write you a song, send you a note, or empty out your trash
and buy a bucket full of diamonds but
even the most beautiful of all roses must someday crumble to dust
and fade away.
It's a certain tragedy

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Other Saves The Day song Lyrics
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    so come at me with your moon..."
  • A Drag In D Flat
    "If every limb were broken,
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    and my toes are all in pieces.
    Do you know..."
  • Im Sorry Im Leaving
    "Your middle finger was clutching my thumb
    Through the park, and over MacDougal
    The torches were blazing above our street
    And just down from the sky..."
  • Hold
    "Oh well, you've got me under your spell
    And I don't think that I'm kidding around
    I don't think I can forget you now
    I once sat up on my roof..."
  • Take Our Cars Now!
    "Don't you remember the last time we were speeding down this highway?
    Anna slept in the back seat, dreaming in the autumn heat.
    We turned up the country radio.
    I said, "if you want me just say so."..."
  • The Way His Collar Falls
    "leif and i are on the train to new york
    in car 1399
    theres a guy with a quarter in his ear
    and ive seen leif only once in the past 2 months..."
  • The Art Of Misplacing Firearms
    "I guess the only reality is the one you seem to believe in.
    Well I'm walking out, this is the last time, I feel like shit.
    Let's go again
    Set me up..."
  • East Coast
    "I remember the time
    When everything was all different
    We didn't really know each other then
    I didn't know how much you made me so..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Stay What You Are" album, click "Saves The Day Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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