Savoy Brown - Jack The Toad Lyrics

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Artist: Savoy Brown
Savoy Brown Author
Album: Jack The Toad (1973)
Savoy Brown - Jack The Toad Album
Song Title: Jack The Toad
Genre: Blues
Visits: 765
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Jackie Lynton-Chrysalis Music Ltd.

Jerimiah said his peace and fell back in the road

He was shot by Coulee Reese

Who they nick-named Jack The Toad

Just across his shoulder just a little to the right

He heard the click of a 45 hammer

So he throws himself down and he hits the ground

Rolls right over and spins 'round

And with one good shot, just one good shot

He brings that villain right down

In true "Hour Western" manner

Bad, bad news, he was bad, bad news

I knew Coulee, Coulee never lost his cool

A legend grew and Jack The Toad knew

To back up all the talk

One day soon, preferably noon

He's going to have to take the long walk

A poker game and a fast stake

Of these Jack was the master

But a man called Pete

At the end of a dusty dusty street

He's just about six feet

Now he just might, you know he just might

He might be a lttle faster

Bad, bad news, he was bad, bad news

I knew Coulee, Coulee never lost his cool

I'll be blowed, I'll be blowed, I'll be blowed

It's Jack The Toad

I'll be blowed, I'll be blowed, I'll be blowed

It's Jack The Toad

Well it had to happen on a summers' day

When Jack was feeling good

But a friend of a friend, promised a friend of a friend

Promised a friend of a friend he would

But many brave men have said the same thing

Again and again and again

Now Jack, when he went out to face Pete

For the final showdown

He was just a little bit high

He'd been drinking and smoking

And he thought he was so fast

He made the last move

And that was the last move he made

Bad, bad news, he was bad, bad news

I knew Coulee, Coulee never lost his cool

Well now he's gone but his memory lives on

In the mind of every comic strip reader

Some say weren't Jack, some say was camphor

Some say he was just a bleeder

One fact, one fact remain, always be the same

Now on your way through life

Sometimes you just got to be a little bad

I knew Jack and, my goodness, he was bad

He was bad, bad news

You just got to be a little bad because, if you ain't

The great gun fighter in the sky

Ain't got no one to save

And if you're just a little bad

Just a little bad

Nobody forgets your name

Bad, bad news, he was bad, bad news

Bad, oh my goodness, Jack was bad news

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