Savoy Brown - Take It Easy Lyrics

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Artist: Savoy Brown
Savoy Brown Author
Album: Looking In (1970)
Savoy Brown - Looking In Album
Song Title: Take It Easy
Genre: Blues
Visits: 829
Print Version

(Simmonds/Peverett-Chrysalis Music Ltd.)

submitted by SavoyKev

Oh well I know your built for action

But you just live your life too fast

If you don't slow down pretty soon

Your good days will have passed

So take it easy baby

There ain't no need to worry

The world won't end tonight

So tell me what's the hurry?

You should enjoy the long, long journey

Savor every hill and bend

You're gonna get there sooner or later

So don't worry about the end

Just take it easy baby

There ain't no need to worry

The world won't end tonight

So tell me what's the hurry?

You know the law of gravity

Says what goes up has to come down

And the faster you reach the limit

The sooner you come to ground

So take it easy baby

There ain't no need to worry

The world won't end tonight

So tell me what's the hurry?

You know, you shouldn't worry about the future

While you are still well in your prime

Just take it as you find it and you'll enjoy every time

Just take it easy baby

There ain't no need to worry

The world won't end tonight

So tell me what's the hurry?


Take it easy

Take your time

I know you're built for action

But you just live your life too fast

If you don't slow down pretty soon

Your good days will have passed

So take it easy baby

There ain't no need to worry

The world won't end tonight

So tell me what's the hurry?

You should enjoy the long, long journey

Savor every hill and bend

You're gonna get there sooner or later

So don't you worry about the end

Just take it easy baby

There ain't no need to worry

The world won't end tonight

So tell me what's the hurry?

Don't you worry about the future

While you are still well in your prime

Just take it as you find it

And you'll enjoy it every time

Just take it easy baby

There ain't no need to worry

The world won't end tonight

So tell me what's the hurry?

Oh yeah

Take it easy baby

Take it easy baby

Take it easy baby

Take it easy baby.

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Looking In" album, click "Savoy Brown Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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