Sawdoctors - Why Do I Always Want You Lyrics

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Artist: Sawdoctors
Song Title: Why Do I Always Want You
Visits: 602
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Why do I always want you?
Why do I always need you?
Why do I always want you?

Doesn't seem to matter where I am,
On my bike or in a traffic jam,
A fit of rage couldn't stop the flow,
My obsession just grows and grows and grows.

Why do I always want you?
Why do I always need you?
Why do I always want you?

A narrow mind could be my downfall,
Couldn't care less I hate being careful,
My private life is in an awful mess,
My heart is sending out signals of distress.

Why do I always want you?
Why do I always need you?
Why do I always want you?

I saw your picture in a local paper,
Cut it out I'm gonna keep it forever.
I'm paying homage, girl, it's long overdue,
I'd build a shrine with my bare hands for you.

Why do I always want you?
Why do I always need you?
Why do I always want you?

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