Sawyer Brown - We Belong Together (Tarzan and Jane) (live) Lyrics

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Artist: Sawyer Brown
Song Title: We Belong Together (Tarzan and Jane) (live)
Visits: 619
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(Sawyer Brown is doing this song live.
Lin Clingerman just informed us it is on
Steven Curtis Chapman's album ''All About Love''.)

Deep in the jungle, up in a tree
In Indiana 1983
Living on pizza and too little sleep
Just me and my animal friends
Then in the distance I saw through the leaves
Creature of beauty like none I had even seen
The trouble started when you smiled at me
And the two words came crashing together
And true love slowly began.

I am Tarzan, You are Jane
I am the night, and you are the day
We're like sunshine and rain
We're so different from each other
You are woman, I am man
You're the sea, and I am the land
And I would not be who I am
If I didn't have you.

I know that some days we both wonder how
We got together, we're still so different now
But I can't imagine my life without you
Cause all those things that make us so different
Are just what make us all that we are.

I am Tarzan, You are Jane
I am the night, and you are the day
We're like sunshine and rain
We're so different from each other
You are woman, I am man
You're the sea, and I am the land
And I would not be who I am
If I didn't have you.

We belong together...

We Belong Together (Tarzan and Jane) (live) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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