Saxon - Sea of Life Lyrics
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Saxon Singer Lyrics
Sea of Life Song Lyrics
Metalhead (1999)
Song Title:
Sea of Life
Print Version
A single silent bullet
Flying through the air
Will it find it's target
Fate will take it there
Who's name is written on it
No one has a clue
Will it find a victim
Could be you
I have seen the angel
The messenger of death
Riding out across the crimson sky
He comes to take another soul
Away from the sanctuary
He who plays the game
Must surely die
But someone has to pay the ferryman
To sail across the sea of life
Someone has to pay the ferryman
To sail across the sea of life
Sea of life
Sea of life
Your life is held in balance
On a slender silken thread
Weaving through the tapestries of time
We can walk the road together
Can you take me by the hand
Maybe we can find your promised land
I can hear the darkness falling
Somewhere in the night
Reaching out across the cold black sky
Could this be a twist of fate
Your written destiny
Or could the angel simply pass you by
Someone has to pay the ferryman
To sail across the sea of life
Someone has to pay the ferryman
To sail across the sea of life
Sea of life
Sea of life
Someone has to pay the ferryman
To sail across the sea of life
To sail across the sea of life
A single silent bullet
Flying through the air
Will it find it's target
Fate will take it there
Who's name is written on it
No one has a clue
Will it find a victim
Could be you
Could be you
Could be you
Could be you
Could be, could be you
Sea of life
Could be you
Sea of life
Could be, could be you
Sea of life
Could be you
Sea of life
Could be you
Sea of life
Could be you
Sea of life
Could be, could be you
Sea of life
Could be, could be, could be you
Sea of life
Sea of Life Lyrics
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Other Saxon song Lyrics
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"She used to be an ironhorse
Twenty years ago
Used to bring the mail to me
Through the ice and snow..."
Never Surrender
"I was born on the back streets
On the rotten side of town
I never had me nothin'
Just people puttin' me down..."
Out of Control
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Gives me sympathy
Keeps me running on the high road
Keeps me living free..."
Rough and Ready
"Well, you're brought up on the street
Did ya make it on your own
Are ya living in the shadow
Crawling in the night..."
Play It Loud
"I was driving down the highway my music playing loud
I drove into a truckstop stepped up feelin' proud
The stupid gas attendant said "stop that fucking row"
There's always someone somewhere who'll try and turn you down..."
And the Bands Played On
"Just before dawn in the cold light
We came out of the night
A great expectation from the man who ran the show
Will it rain, will it snow, will it shine, we don't know..."
Midnight Rider
"Ride the silver eagle out of JFK
Up the eastern seaboard destination Portland Maine
When we saw the people at the concert hall
The seats were for five thousand it made us feel so small..."
Fire In The Sky
"There's a fire in the sky
There's a feeling in the air
When the ground starts to tremble
The first attack is here..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Metalhead" album, click "
Saxon Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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