Say Hi To Your Mom - Super Lyrics

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Artist: Say Hi To Your Mom
Song Title: Super
Visits: 647
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you're super, you really are.
just like your tee-ball trophy says, you've come so far.
it was just a matter of a little time
before you've got the dog, the tots, the pretty wife.
the post man waves, the cashier smiles.
the boss is glad, you please the clients.
you take a bow, the crowds all cheer.
it took alot of super stuff to get you here.

you're super, you really are.
you'll talk the meter maid out of the parking fines
you'll read the paper, you'll sip your mug,
while little bob and janey sing between the lines.
the postman waves, the cashier smiles.
your boss is glad, you meet deadlines.
you take a bow, the crowds all cheer.
it took a lot of super stuff to get you here.
to get you here.

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