SCARFACE - Smartz Lyrics

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Album: The Untouchable (0)
SCARFACE - The Untouchable Album
Song Title: Smartz
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 823
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[ VERSE 1: Scarface ]
It's been a long time comin
But now I'm back up in this bitch to hit these niggas with this gangsta shit
I keep the strong rhymes runnin
My shit don't switch, I'm 10 years in, and ain't changed one bit
It's all about the real, nigga
I keeps it real, nigga
And won't sell out for ??? with Tommy Hilfiger
Fucker, I figure niggas wanna see
The side of society they don't see on TV
So when I bring the shit, I bring the shit like I seen it
And when I scream the shit, I sing the shit like I mean it
No secret, these muthafuckas figure I'm a threat
Cause I ain't fallin short to the traps the demon set
Now sweat, cause now I got my head in your books
And when I think 'cracker', my definition read 'crook'
Now look, we're livin under laws that they set
Back then we were treated like dogs and wasn't shit
And slowly but surely the shit changed
From they fault, but if you black, then you get blamed
A damn shame, that means this muthafucka's one-sided
And blacks, we get lost in the sauce, because we unguided
These muthafuckas had a plan from the start
Get what they can get and rip they assholes apart
They smart

[ CHORUS: Devin / (Tony 'Scarface' Montana) ]
They smart, man
(Those guys...)
You niggas better watch yo ass
(..they're the bad guys)
Them bastards they smart, man
(Those guys...)
It's up to us for how long we gon' last
(..they're the bad guys) (2x)

[ VERSE 2: Scarface ]
I declare an all-out attack
Let's take our minds behind enemy lines, so we can see how the demon acts
And how he set us up for failure in the first place
And why the fuck did we just settle for a birthday
You see, I'm hip to the games that you run
Like the games you run unfair, we can get no fair one
Cause we was dealt the bad hand from the jump
And we can't deal, so we jack and get drunk
And might end up locked down or six feet
But in these streets a muthafucka gots to eat
You can't sleep, cause if you're caught sleep, you gots to pay
And just like everyone left you got your day
And these days were meant for all to keep tryin
But we can't relate, so we fall and keep dyin
Open your muthafuckin eyes who your enemy
The muthafuckas dyin or the muthafuckas killin you?


[ VERSE 3: Scarface ]
You put your crack on my table
I turn my axe on my neighbor
And my back to my Savior
You had me thinkin you were almighty
But to the Almighty you're just a man that's really all tiny
The Maker will open up our minds to see
That heaven ain't a place here on Earth, you gots to leave
And once we leave, we stand between eternal peace and eternal pain
And you the beast shall meet eternal flame
So let it rain, wash away up all my bad things
And put some laughter in our hearts again
Now black men, stand up, let's come together as a whole race
And don't be fed up by the old days
They try to do us like the Indians, killin us like wild beast
And show more love for the Chinese
And kept us trapped up in a small room
And made decisions on our life we accepted that left us all doomed
They sabotaged and they camouflaged
But if these niggas came to crank up some shit, then I be down to ride
These muthafuckas had a plan from the start
The only way to beat em is to think, cause they smart


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  • Guess Whos Back
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  • On My Block
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  • Keep Me Down
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  • What Can I Do?
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    What can I do, to make it better?
    Yeah, yeah
    I thank the Lord, for every morning, he allows me to rise..."
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