T. Rex - Teenage Dream Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> T>> T. Rex Singer Lyrics>> Teenage Dream Song Lyrics
Artist: T. Rex
T. Rex Author
Album: 16 Greatest Hits (2000)
T. Rex - 16 Greatest Hits Album
Song Title: Teenage Dream
Genre: Rock
Visits: 782
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what ever happened to the teenage dream?

surprise, surprise
the boys are home
my gaurdian angel
run down my telephone
the heats on, mister
can't you hear them scream,
what ever happened to the teenage dream?

the curfew comes
at the crack of night
the sad old wino
aches to dissapate the fright
the jet jump jiver
speeds past his machine, but
what ever happened to the teenage dream?

a broken god
from a musky world
sweetly mouth touched
him on its spur
his prison guards
were very hard to clean, but
what ever happened to the teenage dream?

do it, do it, do it to me babe
do it to me babe, aha!

what ever happened to the teenage dream?

the wizard of oz,
and the bums and theives
ruled my girl
with tuetonic teeth
but all was lost
when her mouth turned green
what ever happened to the teenage dream?

silver surfer
and the ragged kid
are all sad and rusted
ah, they don't have a gift
believe me Pope Paul,
my toes are clean
what ever happened to the teenage dream?

black is black
and white is white
some go to heaven
and some get it night
the bomb was a brute
but his winged screams......
what ever happened to the teenage dream?
yea ... aaaaaaaah

(song ends, turns to just
piano and Marc on guitar)

.....I'm talking teen agey woman,
I'm talking to you
(editor note: to band)
"play them blues to me boy"
"ride it off"

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    Metal guru is it you
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    you do own my night
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    everyone everyone
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "16 Greatest Hits" album, click "T. Rex Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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