Tad Morose - No Mercy Lyrics

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Artist: Tad Morose
Tad Morose Author
Song Title: No Mercy
Genre: Rock
Visits: 659
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I came to seek among mortal

men for souls like you

And I have seen just what it means

In pain, in agony, a broken heart is true

and even then you cannot see

No, not too long ago

I found you in my dreams

I came your way to help you see

Find perfect harmony

Find balance, peace of mind

But then you threw away the key

Said take this wizardry

This magic of a kind

I have a statement for you

No mercy!

No! No!

No mercy!

Why lend a helping hand?

You know they snap and bite

And break your heart, well add that too

Strangers like demons bow down

and when they do

They'd love to have a piece of you

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  • Leaving The Past Behind
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Modus Vivendi" album, click "Tad Morose Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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