Tahir - Holiday Pay Lyrics

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Artist: Tahir
Song Title: Holiday Pay
Visits: 729
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Happy new year, fuck that, ain't shit new

Every year same cops trying to knock my crew

January 15 go to MLK

Had to nearly come to gun just to get that day

February, only presidents that represent me

Is M-1 and my nigga S-T-I-C

And St. Valentine, he could kiss my ass

The 19th for Malik El-Haj Shabazz

Celebrate him for real, that's love ??

He worked for us, George made us work the field

St. Patrick's Day, crackers better shut they mouth

I'm wearing khakis, pinch me, I'm gonna knock you out

I don't care about no shamrocks or 4-leaf clovers

Ain't enough luck for cops not filling they quotas

Can't fool me, April 1st, I'm still on ??

Even then I'ma still drop the truth on George

There ain't no Easter egg hunt or no Easter bunny

Just another day for black folk to spend they money

Cinco de Mayo, my Latin homies still ain't free

Capitalism made'em where they still can't eat

So we can't eat

Mother's Day, mamas deserve a lot more

Than the Sunday they set aside to observe

Memorial Day, never will I do that there

Patriotism for America, I do not care

Father's Day got me thinking about the one's in jail

All the ones who stayed around, all the ones who bailed

Fourth of July, really dog, why ask why

First of all, damn watch the fireworks in the sky

I seen red and blue lights all the time that night

Real guns going off for the ???

Second of all, that ain't my independence day

1776 we was baling hay

Niggas was slaves, busy chasing what they call freedom

And we still wear chains, only now we can't see them

So they made Labor Day cos my ??? got jerk?

Even though most niggas still be scheduled to work

Trick or treat, kids? getting candy to eat

Later on down the road start rottin they teeth

And you wonder how the dentists

Keep gettin dough from us

Trick like the Earth trick Christopher Columbus shit

Hittin America was all a mistake

Stupid faggot ass crackers couldn't find they way

But neither could we

Cos niggas still fight for this bitch

When the service need soldiers, we the first to enlist

I feel it for vets but how I'ma gon respect they set

They the same white folk that laid the natives to rest

Thanksgiving it's the same, thanks for giving us what

Small pox and gonnorhea from the shit they fuck

All the way up to the ?? make my folk corrupt

Jive turkey, my hollow-points will gobble your guts

And if that ain't enough, right when you think thats it

Christmas the 25th straight takin your ??

Bank accounts cleaned out trying to purchase them gifts

Tis the season for the po' to starve, loadin them clips

Packin them fifths, and you could keep your ho-ho-ho

Gimmie your dough, my house feel so cold

And we need heat, let's be in the spirit to give

I have more than just the wreath

From the door to your crib nigga

Anyway, back to the jam

Most holidays we celebrate ain't nothing but scams

And lies and tricks and all the real meaning be lost

For me it's time and a half or just another day off

C'mon nigga

Know what I'm sayin

Tired of that bullshit dog

What's up with Huey P. Newton Day

Or some shit like that, Fred Hampton Day

Fuck that what's up with People Army Day dog

Hedrush Day, DP's Day, I.T Day

You know how it go man we up in this piece like this

Wanna see some real shit man

Assata Shakur Day, know what I'm sayin

Community Day, Guns in the Churches Day

Know what I'm sayin

Keep your Gats Day, know what I'm sayin

Martial Arts Day, Self-Defense Day

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