Taja Sevelle - Wake Before I Die Lyrics

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Artist: Taja Sevelle
Song Title: Wake Before I Die
Visits: 644
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The sun is never late for a rise, and history with fools is never kind,
but will a craving child wake before he dies?

If I knew that my life would be over in another night ...
(what would be going on in my haid? What would be coming out of my mouth?)
Would I change? Would I find that I'm rushing to leave love behind?
(Would I be saying something real? Would I be brave enough to feel?)
Would I call the one I love, and tell him all my secrets?
(I'm wild about you, I'm wild about you, I think we've got the same soul ...)
Would I be embarrassed any longer, would I waste my time?
(Faux facades, veils, robes, I'm tired of hosting this show.)

Would I fall in love? Lost my pride? If I should wake before I die?
(If I should wake before I die, If I should wake before I die ...)
Would I let myself lose my mind, if I should wake before I die?
(if I shoudld wake before I die, if I should wake before I die ...)

Would I face, Would I find, Would I hold on to my peace of mind?
(Would I call up all my friends? Give out grace until the end?)
Would I finally take a chance? Charm the wind with my best dance ...
(You're blowing west and you blow the best, but I've got the east in my soul.)

If I knew that my life would be over in another night...
(What would be going on in my head, what would be coming out of my mouth?)
Would I change? Would I find that I'm rushing and leave love behind?
Would I call the one I love and tell him all my secrets?
(I'm wild about you, I'm wild about you, I think we've got the same soul

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Other Taja Sevelle song Lyrics
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    Always says I dress too bold and I talk a lot.
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  • I & I
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    I, I, I, I, me, me, me, me, I, I, I, I, me, me, me, me.
    I never knew my personality,..."
  • I Feel
    "I remember the first trip down you,
    through your eyes and straight into your flow.
    I remember the way it made me feel,
    Just to be around you soothed my soul...."
  • Killing Time
    "We decree a rewrite
    We're killing time
    We just wanna be together day and night
    Early in the morning, the start of summertime..."
  • Us
    "Strong, wise, underrated, sterilized. Scared, warm, jaded, alive.
    Born, fought, fooled, torn, wrought, ruled. Biting. Craving.
    Seen, sung, soothed. Heard, felt, moved. Brave. Ashamed.
    Beautiful and ugly, heroes and hungry. Humorous. Us. Us...."

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