Taking Back Sunday - One-Eighty By Summer Lyrics

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Artist: Taking Back Sunday
Taking Back Sunday Author
Album: Where You Want To Be (2004)
Taking Back Sunday - Where You Want To Be Album
Song Title: One-Eighty By Summer
Genre: Rock: Alternative
Visits: 778
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Go on just say it,
You need me like a bad habit,
One that leaves you defenseless, dependent, and alone.
Go on just say it
(Are you afraid to)
You need me like a bad habit
(Say what you want to, tell me you want to)
One that leaves you defenseless, dependent, and alone
(Are you afraid to say what you want to, tell me you want to).

Well I hold my tongue use it to assess,
The damage from way back when it mattered,
But nothing seems important anymore,
We're just protecting ourselves from our self,
And I don?t think I?ll ever come back down
(I don?t think I?ll ever come back down)
I don?t think I?ll ever come back down
(I don?t think I?ll ever come back down)
I don?t think I?ll ever come back down
(I don?t think I?ll ever come back)
I don?t think I?ll ever come back?

Are you ashamed to say what you want to,
Tell me you want to.
Are you ashamed to say what you want to,
Tell me you want to.
Go on just say it
(Are you ashamed to)
Go on just say it
(Say what you want to)
(Tell me you want to)
Go on just say it
(Are you ashamed to)
Go on just say it
(Say what you want to)
(Tell me you want to.)

I'm making the difference,
It just seems pointless,
With all the obvious lines all out of focus,
Why can?t you just be happy?
Why can?t you just be happy?

And I don?t think I?ll ever come back down
(I don?t think I?ll ever come back down)
I don?t think I?ll ever come back down
(I don?t think I?ll ever come back down)
I don?t think I?ll ever come back down
I don?t think I?ll ever come back?)
I don?t think I?ll ever come back...

(Just come back, just come back...)
Go on just say it, (just come back...)
Come on just say it, (just come back...)
Well I?ll just say it, (just come back...)
I?ll just say it, (just come back...)
I need you defenseless, dependent and alone.
(Just come back, just come back, just come back...)
She says live up to your first impression,
Well my best side was your worst invention,
Can't you live without the attention?
Can't you live without the attention?
(Just come back, just come back, just come back...)
She says live up to your first impression,
Well my best side was your worst invention,
Can't you live without the attention?
Can't you live without the attention?

She says live up to your first impression,
Well my best side was your worst invention,
Can't you live without the attention?
Can't you live without the attention?

She says live up to your first impression (Come on, just say it),
Well my best side was your worst invention (Come on, just say it),
Why can't you live without the attention
(I need you defenseless, dependent),
Why can't you live without the attention (alone).
She says live up to your first impression (I just say it),
Well my best side was your worst invention (I just say it),
Why can't you live without the attention
(I need you defenseless, dependent),
Why can't you live without the attention (Alone),
Why can't you live (Defenseless, dependent),
Why can't you live (Defenseless, dependent),
Why can't you live without... live without
(Defenseless, dependent, defenseless, dependent),
Why can't you live (Defenseless, dependent),
Why can't you live (Defenseless, dependent),
Why can't you live without? live without
(Defenseless, dependent, defenseless, dependent).

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    well i flipped every switch that i could find on my way out
    just to upset you more
    just to make you angry..."
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    Miserable and old
    Really gotta hand it to you
    Really gotta hand it to you..."
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    And you're slipping back into your dress
    You know you were always such a lady
    I've always been impressed..."
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Where You Want To Be" album, click "Taking Back Sunday Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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