Tali - Blazin Lyrics
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Blazin Song Lyrics
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Blaze, Blaze, Blaze, Blaze, Blaze, Blaze, Blaze
Blazing a Lyrical Trail through your mind
And so this is how I like my beats to roll.
Tali coming in to bust up the place.
Better run if you dont wanna roll with my bass
Blazing a Lyrical Trail through your mind
And so this is how I like my beats to roll.
Cos the styles that I got keep me in the game
So you all cant forget my name.
Born on the west of the north where the currents wash me,
with their lyrical ability. Grew up writin rhymes in my mind all the time
Hoping one day I would find a chance to shine,
Then one night I got a set on the mic, all right.
Bring it tight, I got the crowed all hyped,
And Now, dropping beats in the studio, This is how I flow,
And it's time you should know
Blazing a Lyrical Trail through your mind
And so this is how I like my beats to roll.
Tali coming in to bust up the place.
Better run if you dont wanna roll with my bass
Blazing a Lyrical Trail through your mind
And so this is how I like my beats to roll.
Cos the styles that I got keep me in the game
So you all cant forget my name.
It's the T for the Tali, you can feel it this is how i roll.
A for the Airwaves, that is how i bring the hype alright
L for the Love and I for the Inspiration that I send
Feel the way I'm going to drop it yeah live on the mic
It's the T for the Tali, This is how I roll
Its the A for the Airwaves and its how i bring the hype
L for the Love and I for the Inspiration that I'm sending on my mind
Blazing a Lyrical Trail through your mind
And so this is how I like my beats to roll.
Tali coming in to bust up the place.
Better run if you dont wanna roll with my bass
Blazing a Lyrical Trail through your mind
And so this is how I like my beats to roll.
Tali coming in to bust up the place
Better run if you dont want to roll with my bass
Blazin Lyrics
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Other Tali song Lyrics
Gonna Catch Ya
"Feel the floorboards they're vibrating,
You can't stop your body shakin'
With every step that you are takin'
Another mix is what we're makin'......"
"i'm sick of telling you all the time,
of justifying whats on my mind
i wish you'd make some sense, you're all over the place
you make me feel like i never wanna see your face...."
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