Talking Heads - What A Day That Was Lyrics
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Talking Heads Singer Lyrics
What A Day That Was Song Lyrics
Talking Heads
Stop Making Sense (1984)
Song Title:
What A Day That Was
Print Version
Well, I'm dressed up so nice
An' I'm doin' my best
An' I'm startin' over..
I'm startin' over in another place
Lemme tell you a story
Big chief with a golden crown
He's got rings on his fingers
And then he walks up, up to the throne
He's makin' shapes with his hands
An' don't choo dare sit back
Now don't choo dare sit down
And don't choo dare speak up!
And on the first day, we had everything we could stand
Ooh who could've asked for more?
And on the second day, there was nothing else left to do
Ooh what a day that was.
There are 50,000 beggars
Roaming in the streets
They have lost all their possessions
They have nothing left to eat
Down come a bolt of lightning
Start an electrical storm
Starts a chain reaction
Go pull a fire alarm
I'm dreaming of a city
It was my own invention
I put the wheels in motion
A time for big decisions
And on the first day, we had everything we could stand
Ooh and then we let it fall
And on the second day, there was nothing else at all
Ooh what a day that was.
Oh a day that was
Ooh that's the way it goes
There's a million ways- to get things done
There's a million ways- to make things work out.
Well I'm going right through
And the light came down
Well they're roundin' 'em up
from all over town
They're movin' forward and backwards
They're movin' backwards and front
And they're enjoying themselves
Moving in ev'ry direction
And if you feel like you're in a whirlpool
You feel like going home
You feel like talking to someone
Who know the d
What A Day That Was Lyrics
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...Show All
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Talking Heads Singer
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